A wedding in Mallorca island? In a very nice location of agrotourism? With a lot of kids, including two lovely irresistible daughters of the couple? Non posed and true photojournalistic style pictures? Dinner outside only with candle lights? Yessss, of course!!!!

For many photographers this combo maybe a nightmare, ha,ha, and because is really difficult to achieve the photo coverage with all these elements combined and not loose the original soul of the event, but this is always our goal : show with our cameras exactly the same sensation that who felt anyone who attended this wedding day, but never forgeting our artistic point of view in compositions, best timing moments, lighting, good taste and elegance…Yeah!!! We love this kind of challenges!!!! And We love kids in weddings!!!!

This selection is only an small portion, to explain the story. Thanks for follow our work!

Pictures by Esther & Natan

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